Tine Swyngedouw

Tine Swyngedouw

Tine Swyngedouw is a female certified clinical psychologist, experiential psychotherapist, focusing trainer and certifying focusing coordinator of The International Focusing Institute from Belgium. She wrote the book ‘Focusing. Leven in verbinding met je innerlijk kompas’. She learned Interactive Focusing from Janet Klein and Mary McGuire in Chicago in 1995. She studied Interactive Focusing with Masumi Maeda since 2015 and got certified as Interactive Focusing teacher by her and Mary McGuire in 2017.

Interactive Focusing: a webinar

Presented by Masumi Maeda and Tine Swyngedouw

Eight two-hour sessions, on Monday’s from September 4, 2023 to October 23, 2023

Limited to a small group of 8-12 participants